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Most of what they gained in 1948, when the UN drew up the map but the "Palestinians"

rejected the whole notion of partition and attacked Israel.

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Q: How much land have the Palestinians lost to the Israel's?
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Why do Israelis and Palestinians feel entitled to the same piece of land?

Because both parties have lived upon the land for a very long time. Both have ancestors who have lived and died there and each would be offended if they were forced to leave the land of their forefathers. Furthermore, each side has their own reasoning for being entitled the land. The Palestinians had previously owned it. However, Zionists (people who believed that the Jewish people should have their own nations) exiled the Palestinians with help from the British. This is considered unjust by Palestinians. Jewish Israelis believe that, according to the Bible (Genesis ch.28 and elsewhere), they are entitled to the land of Israel because of Divine command. Secular Israelis like to use a more objective argument and claim that the Israelis took a part of the land by U.N. resolution, and a further part from the Palestinians through war, fair and square. Therefore, they have earned this land and are entitled to keep it. This is the conflict in essence, though it gets much more complicated than this. See also the attached Related Links.