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Q: How many generals were elected each year in the Athenian government?
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Who were ten generals of Athens assembly were appointed?

Each of the ten Athenian tribes elected a general. It was an annual appointment, so there ware thousands of them over time.

Who was the leader of the Athenian army when the battle of marathon took place?

There were ten Athenian generals - one for each tribal regiment, plus a polemarch - the magistrate charged with commanding the army - his name was Callimachus.The stroy goes that each of the generals had command in succession for a day each. The battle occurred on the tenth day, on which day it was the turn of Miltiades.

Athenian general during the Pelonnesian War?

There were many as each of the ten tribes elected a general each year. Generals served in both the army and navy. The best known would have been Pericles, and later his son Pericles. Also well known were the historian of the war Thucidydes, Alcibiades, Lysander and so on.

What was the job of the Athenian assembly Generals?

The ten generals, one nominated by each tribe, commanded the army and the war fleet. Under the democracy, as the magistrates and other officials were chosen by lot and not necessarily competent, any difficult task approved by the Assembly of the people usually had a rider 'and the generals will see to it'. They had confidence in the generals because no one selected dumb generals to lead them into battles.

By 494 BC ten of these were elected each year to serve in the Roman government.?

tribunes By 494 B.C., 10 tribunes were elected each year to serve in the Roman government.

Members of the executive branch of Arizona government are elected for how many terms?

Each member of congress is elected by the people of his/her state. Each member of congress is elected by the people of his/her state.

Who were the ten generals under Pericles?

They were elected each year, one from each tribe. So in Pericles' time of 20 years, there were many, including Pericles himself.

A republic is a form of government?

What this means is that each state will always have a government elected by the people and not a monarchy.

Who were the ten generals Strategoi at the battle of Marathon?

Athens had 10 generals (strategoi) - one for each of the ten tribes which contributed to the Athenian army. The senior one was the Polemarch who was the magistrate nominally in command. The generals were alloted tasks and given resources to carry them out. The story at Marathon was that they took it in turns to command on each day, and it was Miltiades' turn on day 10 when the Persians split their cavalry off and gave the opportunity to defeat their infantry.

How did Alexander the Great run his government?

He appointed governors - mostly his generals or tributary kings, to run each province.

What is the difference between central and local government in Ireland?

Central government in Ireland is elected by the people, is based in Dublin and each member is known as a TD. Local government is elected in the local areas and the people elected are known as councillors. They do not sit in central government. Local government looks after local issues and central government looks after national issues and are involved in international issues.

What does republicanism?

A republican means each state must always have a government elected by the people and not a monarchy