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Q: How long can a governor remain in office in Michigan?
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How long is a term for a governor of the state of Michigan?

The term for Michigan Governor is 4 years.

How long may a congressman remain in office before a reelection occurs?

Unless a specail election is called by the Governor of the state - until the next scheduled regular election.

How long do you stay governor in Utah?

Before 2003 the limit was 3 terms. Since that time the term limit laws were repealed and their is currently no limit on time the governor of Utah can remain in office, providing of course that they are re-elected and/or don't retire from office.

What is the governor's term of office?

How long a governor's term of office is will depend on the state that he or she governs. However, in the majority of states, the term is four years.

How long has Maine's governor been in office?

Since 2003.

How long do political appointees remain in office?

political appointees generally remain in office until a government that they are not loyal to is elected, or if they do not fulfil their job and are therefore fired. The final one is retirement when they choose to not remain in office.

How long will Governor Chris Christie be in office?

only 4 years

How long has the California Governor been in position?

Governor Schwarsenegger has been in office since 17 November 2003.

How long can the office of vice president remain unfilled?

1billion years.

How long is the term of office for the Washington state governor?

4 years 4 years

How long does a governor office term last in Colorado?

2 years 2 years

How long is Vermont's lieutenant governor's term?

The Lieutenant Governor serves four-year terms.