ways and means
You would call it a Joint Committee....
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America was created in 1940.
standing committee
Standing Committee o.O
Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams were elected by the Congress, more specifically by the lower House of Congress in 1801 and 1825 respectively ( A controversy over the qualification of several electors in 1876 was settled by Congress which appointed a special committee of Congress members and supreme court judges to settles the dispute. The conclusion reached by the committee gave the election to Hayes, so in a sense, Rutherford Hayes was put into office by Congress. )
President Woodrow Wilson is the person who said that when Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work. It means that most of the work Congress does is done through committees.
Ways and Means Committee
The House Rules Committee (House of Representatives)
standing committee.
A Member of Congress will still go to House and Senate committee which will work their will on it.