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Strictly speaking, in a democracy, at predetermined intervals, every individual will cast one vote for the person they want to be the "leader" or the "group of leaders". These candidates are chosen from pool of people who were previously picked through a series of qualifying elections. These election occur after set amounts of time and keep occurring indefinitely. This makes it so that if the people being ruled are not happy with their leaders, they can vote for new leaders in the next election.

In a Dictatorship, power is taken or maintained without the "consent of the ruled" often by force whether it is a military coup, civil war, revolution, or a formerly freely elected leader who refuses to relinquish power.

In other words, in a democracy ever single person has a vote to choose their leaders every few years. In a dictatorship, power is maintained by violence and the threat of violence. The people being ruled have no say in who has the power.

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Q: How is power obtained in a democracy compared to a dictatorship?
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How does a dictatorship differ from a democracy?

The definition of a dictator is one who rules with total power; typically, this power is obtained by force. In a democracy, the people of the country vote for what they want instead of being told everything by a dictator.

Why dictatorship is good than democracy?

democracy is better as there is more power for the people and the power is not only in the hands of a dictator

How are dictatorship and democracy alike?

they both have a leader and both are a type of government.

What are three differences between democracies and dictatorship?

In a dictatorship, people do not have any power. In a democracy, there is an equal amount of power. In a dictatorship, you would not have any rights to say something against the dictator. In general, you don't have much of ANY rights at all in a dictatorship. In a democracy, we have TONS of rights! I can't think of another reason...check out wikipedia or something!

What are differences between democracy and dictatorship government?

Six differences are 1. Dictatorship is the concentration of the power of a country or community to a single individual whereas democracy is the power division among people of a country. 2. Dictatorship can ruin a country but not democracy. 3. In dictatorship, people's opinions are not heard nor done.....but democracy does that all. 4.Dictatorship can suppress any upheavals against them.......but not in a democracy. 5.Dictatorship can often lead to unstable government and economy but surely not democracy. 6. Just understand what happened to HITLER'S germany, STALLIN'S soviet union, IDI AMEEN'S uganda it with the status enjoyed by USA, INDIA, FRANCE etc.......which are all democratic country.

Is England a dictatorship country?

No, England is run by an elected prime minister and parliament, and it constitutes a democracy. A dictatorship is run by an individual, or several, who were not elected and hold power through force.

What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?

In a democracy, the people have control of the government; in a Dictatorship, one person has control of the government.A democracy is when the people rule the government and a dictatorship is when one or a small group of people rule the gobernment such as a military leader

What is relation between power and government?

Governments are dependent on the amount of power they are given. For example, a dictatorship has unlimited power, while a democracy has many limits on the governments power.

How are dictatorship and democracy different?

Six differences are 1. Dictatorship is the concentration of the power of a country or community to a single individual whereas democracy is the power division among people of a country. 2. Dictatorship can ruin a country but not democracy. 3. In dictatorship, people 's opinions are not heard nor done.....but democracy does that all. 4.Dictatorship can suppress any upheavals against them.......but not in a democracy. 5.Dictatorship can often lead to unstable government and economy but surely not democracy. 6. Just understand what happened to HITLER 'S Germany, STALLIN 'S Soviet Union, IDI AMEEN 'S uganda it with the status enjoyed by USA, INDIA, FRANCE etc.......which are all democratic country. Posted by Sarthak Singh(student of class 6A) Seth Ananad Ram Jaipuria School

What are the two types of government?

The two main types of government are democracy and dictatorship. In a democracy, power is held by the people, who elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In a dictatorship, power is concentrated in the hands of a single ruler or a small group, often without the consent of the people.

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The form of government in which people have the ultimate power is called a democracy. The opposite would be a dictatorship.

What is the difference between a country with democracy and one with a dictatorship?

A country with a Dictatorship makes it so that you cannot vote for a leader, but the leader can select the next leader. Also, the leader makes all the decisions, no one to argue with for him. He chooses everything that happens in that country's government. The USA has a republican democracy.