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China is rapidly turning into a mixed economy. a mixture of socialism and private enterprise

Egypt was never a communist state. and is now in a political state of flux.

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Q: How is communism still relevant today in china and Egypt?
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Where and how does communism exist today?

Laos, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba is where Communism still exists

What countries still has communism?

China,North Korea,Vietnam,Laos and Cuba

Who is the Chinese Lenin?

I think that you're after Mao ZeDong, who led communism in China. He is still fairly respected in China.

What countries were affected by communism?

Currently there are five countries that are still ruled by communism. -Laos -China -Vietnam -North Korea -Cuba

Is Communism still a factor of modern day society?

Not in America, but in other countries like China.

Is communism a government anymore?

Yes. Still exists in China and Cuba, among other countries

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There are currently 5 Communist countries. They are: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam.

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Very few places still have slavery like for example Egypt and china.......

Are the Chinese poor?

during communism they were but not now, however there are still many in the western provinces of china where many suffer from diseases and proverty.

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Well the most reasons were that the atomic bomb did not only kill so many in the explosion but many more when the mushroom cloud started cancer all across china. That still effects china today with probloms about cancer

Is this a communist website?

Communism is a system of government (e.g. The soviet Union used to be a communist country, China Korea, cuba are still communist countries).

What lessons can be drawn from the collapse of communism?

Communism was VERY close to being completely gone, but it's still here and strengthening in many countries. China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are still communist but here's a list of future communist states: Nepal, India, Cyprus, Belarus, Venezuela, and maybe Brazil in the very far future. It's still alive and growing, especially because of China.