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Leaders think they're the best so they put themselves in a higher class. Not all leaders do this.

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Q: How does elitism affect leadership?
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What is elitism?

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Did Julius Caesar's illnesses affect his ability to lead?

No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.No, not in the least. If you take a look at Caesar's life you will see that whatever ailment he may have had did not affect his leadership abilities at all.

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it doesn't,it is a communist country.

What are the factors that can affect leadership?

Factors that can affect leadership include the leader's personality traits, communication skills, emotional intelligence, cultural background, organizational culture, and the specific context or situation in which leadership is being exercised. Additionally, the level of support and resources available to the leader, as well as the followers' characteristics and expectations, can also influence leadership effectiveness.

What are the three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy?

Pluralism, Elitism, Hyperpluralism.