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Some of the most common ways to raise money is to ask people, presidential canidates can get money from random people but the amount must be under $1000 dollars or it is illeagl and the candidate can be kicked out the election. Another way is to save up from there former high paying poltical jobs they had, or just from the jobs they used to have. Those are the two basic ways to get money if yopu are ever a presidential candidate.

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13y ago
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10y ago

In the American system, presidential candidates may receive money for campaigning from both public and private sources. The most substantial funding, however, comes from private donations from wealthy individuals, corporations, and politically invested blocs (such as research or industrial conglomerations) whose livelihood may be impacted by the outcome of the election.

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13y ago

The most common way candidates get funds is from Political Action Committees (PACs). PACs, created by the 1974 campaign finance reforms, can be created by a corporation, union, or other form of interest group. It must be registered with the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) which monitors the the PAC's expenditures closely to make sure the PAC is not donating more than is allowed by the . PAC's are allowed to donate up to $5000 per candidate.

Other ways of raising money for candidates are also set out in the 1974 campaign finance reforms. The Presidential campaign Fund comes from a $3 federal income tax checkoff. This money is divided by the FEC and given to qualified candidates to subsidize their campaigns.

Matching funds are yet another way candidates can receive funds. To qualify for these, the candidate must get $5000 in 20 states from donations of less than $250 each. If the candidate can pull this off, the federal government will match what they earned.

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11y ago

They host fundraising dinners.

They request money from their party.

They directly ask the public for money (through mailings to voters of the same party).

They take bribes from political action committees.

They get some money from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.

Some made tons of money earlier in their life.

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16y ago

Presidential candidates spend campaign money, by paying for advertisement, such as comercials, as well as things such as private jets, to fly from place to place and speak at conventions.

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16y ago

There are a variety of ways: party, friends, business associates, celebrities and political action groups.

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12y ago

Lobbying, hard money and Super PACS.

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14y ago

political action committees

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