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by insisting on minority right :) ~NovaNET~

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Allie Barrows

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Q: How does American democracy balance the power of majority?
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How does democracy wield power?

Democracy normally ensures that the majority of the population influences how the nation is run. Democracy therefore gets its power from the majority of the population.

How does American democracy balance the power of majority rule?

American democracy balances the power of majority rule through various mechanisms such as the separation of powers among branches of government, a system of checks and balances, protection of individual rights through the Bill of Rights, and the use of bicameral legislature to ensure multiple perspectives are considered in decision-making. These systems help prevent the tyranny of the majority and promote a more inclusive and fair decision-making process in the government.

How is democracy bad?

Democracy is bad because the majority has complete power over the minority.

Who holds sovereign power in a democracy?

In a democracy, the sovereign power lies with the people. Through processes like elections and referendums, the people have the authority to elect representatives, make decisions, and hold their leaders accountable. This principle is fundamental to the concept of democracy and serves as a check on government power.

Does democracy criticize the majority?

A properly functioning democracy IS the majority - the people - majority rule, minority rights.While there is always room for criticism, it should be constructive, not constant carping by the self-interested or the unrealistically idealistic or those seeking indirect power over the majority. Vocal minorities seek to overthrow democracy - the will of the majority - to implement their own minority agenda over the majority. Such a system of rule by the minority over the majority is Oligarchy, not Democracy.

What is the idea of spreading political power to the people and ensuring majority rule was characteristic of what?

Jacksonian democracy

What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republican form of government?

These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority.

What is a democracy?

Democracy Is a form of government In which the supreme power Is held completely by the people via free elections. In a pure democracy the majority always wins and can persecute the minority. In a democratic republic, like the US, there is a constitution and certain rights which can not be abridged even by a majority vote.Democracy is a form of government in which people have a voice in the exercise of power , typically through elected representatives

What two criteria did Aristotle used to describe difference between democracy and oligarchy?

Aristotle used wealth and birth as criteria to differentiate between democracy and oligarchy. In a democracy, political power is held by the poor majority, while in an oligarchy, power is held by the wealthy few.

In democracy is power held by people?

In democracy, people i.e. general public rules and hence power is gained by winning general elections held after certain period of time. Every citizen of a democratic country has the right to vote. So the one who gets the majority of votes gains power.

How did persistent inequality contribute to the failure of democracy in the young Latin American nations?

Persistent inequality in Latin American nations led to a concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few elites, undermining the principles of democracy. This created a disconnect between the ruling class and the majority of the population, leading to social unrest, corruption, and a lack of trust in democratic institutions. The failure to address these underlying inequalities contributed to the erosion of democracy in the region.

How did precedent of marbury v. Madison affect the balance of power in American government?

The decision upset the balance of power among the 3 branches