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Lincoln's party , although not openly pressing for abolishing slavery, was strongly against expanding it to new states , so Lincoln's elections prompted the series of secessions that formed the Confederacy and began the Civil War.

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There was nothing wrong with the Democrat party when Abraham Lincoln was elected.

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Q: How do you think the split in the democratic party helped Lincoln win the election?
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What is the southern democratic party?

The Northern Democratic Party was the effect of the splitting of the Democratic Party. As the North kept opposing slavery, the south got aggravated Then, the Democratic party split into the Northern and Southern Democratic Party. In the election of 1860, there were two democrats who ran. One from the south, and one from the north. Because of the Democratic party splitting, the election was won by Republican Abraham Lincoln. If the party had not split, we wouldn't have had Abraham Lincoln as our 16th president.

How did the 1860 election divide the nation.?

The US presidential election pitted one Republican, Abraham Lincoln against three other candidates. Despite the party names of these candidates, all of them were Democrats. This divided the Democratic Party and helped Republican Lincoln gain the presidency. The nation remained divided however, over the talk about secession, the future of slavery and the future of the Democratic Party.

How did the 1860 election divide the nation?

The US presidential election pitted one Republican, Abraham Lincoln against three other candidates. Despite the party names of these candidates, all of them were Democrats. This divided the Democratic Party and helped Republican Lincoln gain the presidency. The nation remained divided however, over the talk about secession, the future of slavery and the future of the Democratic Party.

The split in the democratic party that resulted in two democratic candidates running for the presidency in 1860 led to whose election?

Abraham Lincoln

Did Democratic Party won during civil war?

No. The November 1864 General Election was won by Lincoln.

Who were the candidate republican canadite and democratic canadidate for the election of 1864?

The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for reelection, and the Democratic Party nominated General George B. McClellan of New Jersey.

Who splited the votes to make it easier for Lincoln to win the election in 1860?

The Democratic Party - divided into a North and a South faction.

What were the four parties of election of 1860?

The four candidates (and their parties) running for president in 1860 were Abraham Lincoln (Republican), Stephen Douglas (North Democrat), John Breckinridge (South Democrat), and John Bell (Constitutional Union). The winner was Abraham Lincoln.

Who was the Democratic Party president candidate in 1864 election?

Republican Party candidate incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.

Which presidential election convinced the south to pull out of the union?

The election of November 1860, when Lincoln was elected as the first president from the Republican Party - the Democratic Party having split into two factions, North and South.

What political party did Lincoln help create?

Abraham Lincoln helped create the Republican Party. He was the second person to be nominated for President by the Republican Party and the first Republican to win a Presidential election.

What political party did Abraham Lincoln help create?

Abraham Lincoln helped create the Republican Party. He was the second person to be nominated for President by the Republican Party and the first Republican to win a Presidential election.