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Q: How do different scholars define nationalism?
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It's more of a phrase, but "Not divided" works

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The national anthem and the coat of arms are examples of the cultural nationalism. They basically define the cultures and ideals shared by a country. Other include the national flags and colors.

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Is nationalism the greatest value of history?

Nationalism by itself is a fine quality for any nation. With that said, if nationalism leads to a war, then that's quite a different situation. Also, sometimes nationalism creates problems for new immigrants and minorities.

Nationalism can take on for forms they are?

Nationalism can take on various forms such as ethnic nationalism, civic nationalism, cultural nationalism, and religious nationalism. Each form emphasizes different aspects of a nation such as shared ancestry or culture, loyalty to the state, common traditions, or religious identity.

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He thought that nationalism would cause different nationalities in the Hapsburg empire to seek independence

Define nationalism and discuss its impact upon Europe in the 1800s?

Nationalism is a strong connection to one's country, also known as a strong identification by a group. A backlash to multinationalism set off many conflicts in Europe in the 1800s, and eventually led to WWI.

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communism is a form of government where the principal means of production are Owen by the government