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It results from a weakness in a government sometimes due to financial crisis which a dictator sees and takes advantage of. This usually happens with an uninfomed and uneducated public who is persuaded by the dictator. Once the dictator takes hold they rule by threats on peoples lives or livelyhoods so no one will confront them. Any one who confronts them is delt with quickly and severly so everyone else gets the message not to mess with them. The dictator knows if he or she lets opposition grow they will be gone.

Ex. Saddam Hussien, Hitler, Stalin the list is endless there are many today.

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12y ago

Some dictators rise to power in an election like hitler but then use the military to gain power. some are born into it like a monarchy but still use the military to take controll of everything

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7y ago

They take it. One of the first things that modern dictators do is suppress the press and freedom of speech. They make the press an enemy and tell the population of the country what is stated in the news is not true. Next, they suppress protests making protests against the law and they arrest people who resist the government. Next, they control the military and make it part of the executive office to be able to suppress resistance. They kill people, arrest them, put them in work farms, close government offices and change laws to suit their needs.

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11y ago

the people let them take power

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Q: How do dictators rise to power?
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What was the cause for the rise of dictators?

It really depends. If you're looking at the rise of dictators as in Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini, you can probably look up which one rose to power first, but really, dictators have been rising and falling all throughout history.

What event contributed to the rise of dictators in Europe prior to world war 2?

The issue that had the biggest contribution to the rise of dictators during the 1930's was that much of the world was experiencing economic depression. Dictators rose to power promising that they would fix the economic problems in their countries.

Reasons why so many dictators were able to rise to power in the 1930s?

Dictators were able to rise to power easily during the 1930s because of the recent World War and a world-wide depression. Many people were seeking economic stability, a surplus of food, a strong leader to help them, and some national pride. This is just what dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo offered.

What was the main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930' s?

Within Europe powerful dictators rose in Germany, Italy, and Spain, and within Asia, a powerful dictator rose to power in Japan.

Why did the fascist dictators rise to power in some European countries in the 1930's?

The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

What limits a dictators power?

They don't have limits, and that is why they are dictators. Dictators have complete control over their country.

This caused worldwide turmoil and the rise of powerful dictators?

The Great Depression and World War 1 unresolved issues contributed to the rise of the dictators of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.

How did dictators acquire and expand power in Europe in the 1930s?

In several ways. First, it upset the delicate status quo, leaving a power vacuum. At the time the safeguards against the rise of dictators were not in place, so small radical parties were able to take advantage of the situation. Other people like Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) used force to rise to power, and people feared him enough not to oppose his actions.

How did tyrants and dictators rise to power?

Mostly they moved in to fill the vacuum created by prolonged suspension of free political activity in a country. Sometimes they high-jacked genuine revolutions as in case of France n Russia. The circumstances and environment coupled with social mayhem breed and encourage these usurpers of power.

Why was the rise of dictators cause for concern from other European nations?

They felt that dictators would lead their nations to war against their neighbors.