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They Say Hi To The President

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Q: How do Australian politicians become elected?
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Related questions

How does an independent politician get paid?

all politicians that are successfully in being elected into the Parliament get a wage and associated allowances from the Australian government. in other words the Tax payers foot the bill.

What is the advantage of bureaucrats over politicians?

They do not have to be elected.

Are Australian politicians underpaid?

Not by a long shot.

What vertebrates are found in trees?

Most elected politicians.

Do you have to be Australian to be elected to Commonwealth Parliament?

no but not Australian born?

Do Australian politicians pay income tax?


How long are the lower house politicians elected for?

get lost losers

When did Kevin Rudd become the leader of the Australian Labor Party?

Kevin Rudd was elected leader of the ALP on 4 December 2006.

Who was the first woman to be elected to any Australian parliament?

Edith Cowan, elected to the Western Australian Legislative Assembly in 1921.

Do elected politicians have to take an oath of office?

Yes-congressmen take an oath of office before they begin work.

How many politicians in Australia?

There are 809 elected State and Federal politicians in Australia, according to . 226 in the two houses of the Australian Federal Parliament. The House of Representatives with 150 elected representatives. The Senate (the upper house) has 76 elected senators. 17 in the single house of the Australian Capital Territory Parliament The Assembly with 17 elected representatives. 135 in the two houses of the New South Wales State Parliament The Assembly with 93 elected representatives. The Legislative Council (the upper house) has 42 elected senators. 25 in the single house of the Northern Territory Parliament The Assembly with 25 elected representatives. 85 in the single house of the Queensland State Parliament The House of Representatives with 85 elected representatives. 58 in the two houses of the South Australian State Parliament The House of Representatives with 47 elected representatives. The Senate (the upper house) has 11 elected senators. 40 in the two houses of the Tasmanian State Parliament The House of Assembly with 25 elected representatives. The Legislative Council (the upper house) has 15 elected members. 128 in the two houses of the Victorian State Parliament The House of Representatives with 88 elected representatives. The Senate (the upper house) has 40 elected senators. 95 in the two houses of the West Australian State Parliament The House of Representatives with 59 elected representatives. The Senate (the upper house) has 36 elected senators.

What does Australian Capital Territory export?

Diplomats and tax forms, retired politicians.