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The enlightenment and its ideas about freedom and the rights of man deeply influenced colonials and led many of them to seek independence from their respective colonial power. The best example is the United States.

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Q: How did the enlightenment affect political revolutions?
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How did the enlightenment impact both the American and French revolutions?

the enlightenment affect the revolutions in England and America by making them into wealthier states

How did the enlightenment influence political revolutions?

the enlightment gave people the idea of basic rights and democracy.

Which development was influenced by the enlightenment?

18th century political revolutions in Europe and the Americas

Which revolutions did the enlightenment inspire?

The Enlightenment inspired several revolutions, including the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Haitian Revolution. These movements were influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, which challenged existing systems of government and led to significant social and political change.

How did the enlightenment lead to political revolution?

The Enlightenment promoted ideas such as individual rights, reason, and questioning of authority that challenged traditional power structures. These ideas inspired revolutions against monarchies and colonial rule, leading to events like the American and French Revolutions. Intellectuals of the Enlightenment provided the philosophical foundation for questioning and changing the existing political systems.

How were the Atlantic revolutions influenced by the enlightenment?

The Atlantic revolutions were influenced by Enlightenment ideas promoting liberty, equality, and fraternity. These revolutions sought to overthrow oppressive monarchies and establish democratic governments based on these principles. Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau inspired revolutionary leaders to challenge the status quo and fight for political and social change.

What political revolutions were influenced by the age of Enlightenment?

The American Revolution and the French Revolution were both influenced by the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment. The emphasis on individual rights, democratic ideals, and the rejection of absolute monarchy played a significant role in sparking these revolutions. Additionally, the Enlightenment's focus on reason and scientific progress encouraged people to question traditional authority and demand more political freedom.

The Enlightenment influenced revolutions in which countries?

The Enlightenment influenced revolutions in countries such as the United States, France, and Haiti. In the United States, Enlightenment ideas of liberty and individual rights shaped the American Revolution. In France, Enlightenment philosophy contributed to the French Revolution, calling for political and social reforms. In Haiti, Enlightenment ideas of equality and freedom inspired the Haitian Revolution against colonial rule.

How did the enlightenment lead to the revolutions?

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Which event was a consequence of the enlightenment?

The American and French Revolutions were consequential events of the Enlightenment. The ideas of individual rights, liberty, and equality that were championed during the Enlightenment directly influenced these revolutions and sparked significant political and social change.

What were the influences on the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was influenced by various factors, including scientific discoveries, the rise of humanism and individualism, political revolutions like the American and French Revolutions, and the spread of ideas through print culture and salons. Philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu also played a key role in shaping the intellectual movement of the Enlightenment.

What do France the unites states and haiti all have in common?

Their revolutions were all influenced by the Enlightenment