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Q: How did the The Jamestown colonists set a political precedent?
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What was the major effect of the stamps act on colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

What was the major effect of the stamp act on colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

What was the major effect of the stamp act on 1765 colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

What was the major effect of the stamp act (1765) on colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

What was the major effect on the stamp act (1765) on colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

What was the major effect of the the Stamp Act 1765 on colonial trade?

The Stamp Act imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper colonists used. Colonists viewed the Act as an attempt to make money off the colonists. They believed it set a precedent and resisted it.

How did the magna carta influence later political documents?

it claimed that all taxation was a violation of natural rights to property

What precedents did Barack Obama set?

Barack Obama set several precedents during his presidency. One significant precedent was being the first African-American president of the United States. He also set the precedent for enacting major healthcare reform with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, Obama set a precedent for utilizing social media and online platforms as a means of communication and political engagement.

What precedent was set with the fundamental Orders of connecticticut?

The precedent for voluntary union of the colonies was set with the fundamental orders of Connecticut.

Is court precedent mandatory or persuasive?

That depends on which court you're referring to. In the federal court system, the US Supreme Court sets binding (or mandatory) precedent for all lower courts; the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts set binding precedent for all US District Courts within their jurisdiction, but only persuasive precedent elsewhere; the US District Courts do not set binding precedent at all, they only set persuasive precedent.