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  • laws should not be dispensed with or suspended without the consent of Parliament;
  • no taxes should be levied without the authority of Parliament;
  • the right to petition the monarch should be without fear of retribution;
  • no standing army may be maintained during peacetime without the consent of Parliament;
  • subjects who are Protestants may bear arms for their defence as permitted by law;
  • the election of members of Parliament should be free;
  • the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament should not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;
  • excessive bail should not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted;
  • jurors should be duly impannelled and returned and jurors in high treason trials should be freeholders;
  • promises of fines or forfeitures before conviction are void;
  • Parliaments should be held frequently
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Floyd Smith

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3y ago
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13y ago

to prevent abuse of power by William and Mary and all future monarchs, Parliaments in 1689 drew up a list of provisions to which William and Mary had to agree. this document "The English Bill Of rights" prohibited a standing army in peacetime, except with the consent of parliment and required that all parliamentary elections be free. Our nation has built on changed and added to those ideas and institutions that the settlers brought here from England. still much in American Government and politics today is based on these early English ideas.

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8y ago
  • laws should not be dispensed with or suspended without the consent of Parliament;
  • no taxes should be levied without the authority of Parliament;
  • the right to petition the monarch should be without fear of retribution;
  • no standing army may be maintained during peacetime without the consent of Parliament;
  • subjects who are Protestants may bear arms for their defence as permitted by law;
  • the election of members of Parliament should be free;
  • the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament should not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;
  • excessive bail should not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted;
  • jurors should be duly impannelled and returned and jurors in high treason trials should be freeholders;
  • promises of fines or forfeitures before conviction are void;
  • Parliaments should be held frequently
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8y ago

The English Bill of Rights established a constitutional monarchy in Great Britain, meaning that the monarchy can not rule without the consent of Parliament. It stated that members and Peers should have free speech in Parliament, that Parliament should be frequently summoned, there should be free elections, and laws can not be suspended or dispensed with without the consent of Parliament.

It prohibited cruel and unusual punishment.

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Q: How did the English Bill of Right affect English government?
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What impact did the English Bill of Rights have on your government?

the english bill of rights didnt have the right to bare arms but our bill of rights did thats how the english bill of rights inluenced our government.

What principle of English government did the glorious revolution establish?

The were several principles of English government that the Glorious Revolution established. The main principle was the Bill of Rights that outlines the right that all citizens had for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How did the English bill of right influence the government?

The English parliament's two chamber structure also influence colonial governments.

How did the English bill of right change the nature of English government?

H. it made parlienment more powerful than the monarch. HOPE THIS HELP!

How did the english bill of rights change the nature of english government-?

The English Bill of Rights affected the nature of the English government by making the monarchy conditional and by limiting tits power.

How did the English Parliamentary system affect the kind of government the framers created?

king+queen had to sign the bill of rights before taking the throne.

What right did The Bill of Rights provide?

basic rights such as freedom of speech and religion, right to bear arms, etc.

How did the English Bill of Right affect the power of the monarchy?

the monarchy's power was limited to what it could and couldn't do. The colonists could then decide who the monarchy was by electing them.

What did the English bill rights provide?

it gave english citizens representation in their government

What right did the English Bill of Rights provide?

it gave english citizens representation in their government

What was bill of right?

limit the power of the government

The English bill of rights was the first document to contain which idea?

The English monarch had absolute power and ruled by divine right.