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Nationalism allows the people of the country to govern and design their government structure. Monarchism has a royal family that rules a nation or many nations. The Monarch has the right to do whatever he or she feels to the people of his or her nation or nations. The people of Europe were fed up with the way they were treated by the aristocracy and the Monarchs of Austria/Hungary and Germany. They wanted their own self rule and government design. Some Serbians, who the Monarchs of Austria and Hungry treated like dirt (and some Bosnians I think), plotted together to kill the Archduke Ferdinand of Hungary. They wanted the monarchs gone and no longer able to rule and harm them. This his how nationalism killed Archduke Ferdinand. It was also the spark of the crazy war of World War 1.

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Q: How did nationalism kill archduke Franz Ferdinand?
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Where did they kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

In Sarajevo, then in Serbia, now capital of Bosnia-Hercegovina.

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2 bullets. One to the neck and one to the belly.

What gun was used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip using a FN Browning model 1910 pistol. The particular pistol he used is believed to be a .32 caliber.

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Gavrilo Princip, using a FN Browning model 1910 32 caliber pistol, shot Franz Ferdinand. It was almost dumb luck that the bullet struck the archduke in the next causing him to bleed to death.

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Serbia because they wanted to be an independent country, however austria-Hungary wanted to rule them to make a larger empire and it was franz ferdinands idea

What was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated with?

Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and his wife with a Fabrique Nationale model 1910 32ACP pistol. There is a picture of this type of pistol at the related link below.

Why was Archduke Franz Ferdinand shot?

Yes the Archduke was shot. He was killed by Gavrilo Princip (check the spelling). He was a Serbian nationalist that was order by Germany to kill the Archduke. He was kiled at the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo.

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To kill Franz Ferdinand.

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no one.