The simplest answer is that the rulers currently in power in Cambodia know that they would lose that power if they were to have elections; so they prefer to rule autocratically.
The people hold the power in a democracy.
There is a division of powers in democracy between the executive power, judicial power and legislative power.
democracy The type of government system that the people rule and hold sovereign power is a republic.
Representative democracy is a group of people electing to represent for them.
democracy people have power,dictatarship one person has power
Democracy normally ensures that the majority of the population influences how the nation is run. Democracy therefore gets its power from the majority of the population.
democracy is better as there is more power for the people and the power is not only in the hands of a dictator
leaders take power in democracy through votes they obtain from the civil society
like most countries struggling for democracy it boils down to people. not the people, as most do want democracy. certain people have power or some power and they do not wish to give up their power.
Try lose there power by
They are voted to become the leader the U.S. is democracy.