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He couldn't change it because it was already protestant when his father was ruling, but he was protestant if you were asking.

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Q: How did Edward 6th change the church to protestant?
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The English (and Welsh) king Edward 6th was Protestant (not Catholic). He was brought up as a Protestant, and tried to change religion in England to this when he was in pow3er ( at the age of nine!!) :-OHe was the son of Henry VIII (of 6 wives fame), who turned from Roman Catholic to Protestant while trying to divorce his first wife.Edward had two older sisters (the Catholic Mary and the Protestant Elizabeth I, of whom you might have heard).Because boys inherited the crown first, Edward 6th became king on the death of Henry 8th. He was a sickly youth, and died after a few years at the age of 15, to be succeeded by Mary.Protestant

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July 6, 1553

What changes did Edward 6th make?

Edward VI, who reigned from 1547 to 1553, made significant changes to the Church of England, moving it towards Protestantism. He also implemented religious reforms that included the dissolution of monasteries, removal of Catholic practices, and introduction of the Book of Common Prayer. Additionally, Edward's reign saw the introduction of new coinage and more centralized governance.

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Its Edward VI, not Edward VII. Edward VI (12th October 1537 - 6th July 1553) aged 15. He died from tuberculosis.

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1553 he died at the age of 15

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