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In the U.S. federal government there are three branches of government--the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

Supposedly the legislative branch makes the laws and through this method potentially can override the judicial branch and the executive branch by passing or dismantling laws.

The executive branch enforces the laws and can override the other two branches by choosing which laws to enforce.

The judicial branch can override the other two branches by declaring laws and executive orders unconstitutional or in how laws are interpreted.

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Q: How checks and balances work within legal system?
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What is the checks and balances system in the US government?

The checks and balances system in the US government is a way that the government can make sure that all legal factors are in place. It is crucial that one branch of the government does not have more power than another.

Do the three-part system of the US government allows for a system of checks and balances?

The three part system of the US government was created to provide checks and balances. The legislature branch makes the laws, the judicial branch decides if they are legal, and the executive branch enforces them.

How does each branch of government prevent abuse of power?

The abuse of power can be prevented by having a legal document for laws and regulations such as our Constitution. Also having a system of checks and balances where more than one person can veto another persons bill, law, or rulings.

Which branch decides if laws are legal and what is the process called?

The judicial branch decides if laws are legal and it's called Checks and Balances.

Why did framers build a system of checks and balances?

Checks and balances were created to keep any one branch of government, or any person in government from having too much power.

How does the judicial branch of government use the system of checks and balances?

The judicial branch has checks on it because the judicial branch does not create laws in the USA, the legislative branch does. The judicial branch's job is to interpret and apply laws in a just manner. The judicial branch balances the other branches because the judicial branch decides whether the laws enacted by the legislative branch are legal (not against the Constitution) and whether the laws are followed legally by the executive branch and the legislative branch.

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Why the system of checks and balances is so important to american system of goernment?

The system of checks and balances is crucial to the American government because it keeps the three branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) equally powerful and ensures fair governance to the nation. For example, if congress passed a bill that would make slaves legal again, the president could end it through the power of veto or the Supreme Court could deem the law unconstitutional. Meanwhile, Supreme Court judges are chosen by congress and the President often cannot go through with an action like declaring war without the legislative branch approval.

What legal tools did the roman republic use to uphold the rule of laws?

Maybe the ronzal

What is the legal right to power?

The legal right to power refers to the authority and legitimacy granted to individuals or entities to exercise control and make decisions on behalf of a group or society within the boundaries of the law. This right is often conferred through legal systems, constitutions, and democratic processes, and is subject to checks and balances to prevent abuse of power.

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They don't. Communist countries do not have a system of checks and balances with an independent judiciary system or a Parliament that really can or will curb the officials that hold executive power. In the Communist system it is only the local Communist party and its leaders (sometimes together with the Army leadership) that decides on policy, be it legal, judicial or executive.

Are coins and checks legal tender?

coins are legal tenderpersonal checks, credit cards, and similar non-cash methods of payment are not usually legal tender