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Q: How are 527 groups and PACs similar?
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Which statement about political action committees (PACs) is true?

most PACs associated with interest groups can only collect funds from group members interest groups can establish nonconnected PACs that accept contributions from the public

What are interest groups that are named after the section of the tax code which provides for their existence?

527 groups

PACs that concentrate their efforts on one particular issue are also called?

single-interest groups

What role have 527 groups played in recent election?

In the 2010 midterm elections, 527 groups were used by corporations and unions alike to play a role in the political process without close scrutiny or regulation.

What are 527's?

A 527 group is a type of American tax-exempt organization named after a section of the United States tax code, 26 U.S.C. § 527. A 527 group is created primarily to influence the nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates for public office. Although candidate committees and political action committees are also created under Section 527, the term is generally used to refer to political organizations that are not regulated by the Federal Election Commission or by a state elections commission, and are not subject to the same contribution limits as PACs.

Who supports Republicans?

Karl Rove and his super PACS, the Wealthy Koch brothers and special interest groups.

What are things that come in groups of 40?

2 pacs of cigarettes...40 strippers...typical wins by season for the KC Royals..

What are groups that donate money to candidates who favor their point of view?

political action committees or PAC

When was Six Pacs created?

Six Pacs was created in 1998.

What is the importance of PACs?

PACs eat your children. I would know...

Political action committees (PACs) are organizations established?

by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

What is 8 percent of 527?

8% of 527 = 8% * 527 = 0.08 * 527 = 42.16