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Q: How Does Platos Allegory Explain And Demonstrate The Misrepresentations People Have Of The Role of Government?
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Yes, Plato wrote about the Allegory of the Cave in his famous work, "The Republic." This allegory is used to explain his theory of forms and the nature of reality.

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The DIY Network, HGTV, and all networks that host major home-improvement shows explain and demonstrate various tips on their Web sites. You can even watch people explain and demonstrate the processes for yourself, at YouTube:

Is demonstrate a noun a verb or an adjective?

The word demonstrate is a verb (demonstrate, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstrated) meaning to show clearly; to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence; to illustrate and explain with examples; or to make a public display.The noun forms for the verb to demonstrate are demonstrator, demonstration, and the gerund, demonstrating.The adjective forms are demonstrable and demonstrated.

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