He is blind in his left eye following an accident whilst playing Rugby at school, he received a kick to the head and suffered a detached retina.
Gordon Brown has monocular vision ie he only has sight in one eye. He lost the sight in the other eye while playing rugby as a child.
He isn't blind - he has sight in one eye. The other one was damaged playing sport at school.
Gordon Brown, who was Prime Minister from 27 June 2007 until 11 May 2010, was blind in one eye, but not blind in the other eye.
Because a brown eye is the color brown in a eye and a eye has a color in it and a brown eye means that your is brown inside also for a sample if you had brown eyes that means that in your eye there is a circle and a small one that is black and the big one is maybe brown
Her right eye is green, her left eye is hazel.
has thierry Henry one brown and one blue eye
he got in a fight with his friend and the doctor's couldn't mend his eye fully so one eye is blue and the other is brown due to pupil dilation.
are likely heterozygous for eye color. This means you have two different alleles for eye color - one for brown eyes and one for blue eyes. The dominant allele for brown eyes may result in you having brown eyes, but you still carry the blue eye allele.
A Genius
Because of their mothers and their fathers. The mothers eyes were brown and the dad's eyes were green so he had one brown one green
As a young child Bowie and a childhood friend got into a fight, and he punched Bowie in the eye, and scratched it. Even after numerous surgeries the doctors were unable to fully mend his eye, and as a result, one of them is permanently dilated giving the effect of different eye colors. His natural eye color is actually blue. So one is blue and one is brown.