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Ideale- the goddess of harvest. If you want to work with her, offer here a plate of rice when the moon is full at around seven in the evening. She will help you in times of trouble provided that you tend plants and herbs of any kind.

Bathla- the sky god, later called as Bathala. He offers the knowledge of the Air element. Offerings of Frankinsence are very appealing to him.

Sidapa- the god of death. Although seen as a dark god, he is kind and caring and will help his priest or priestess in times of need.

Sol- the god of the sun.

Luna- god of the Moon. She weeps for her lover, Kertes, who died in a battle with the sun. That is why we cannot see her sometimes because she hides her mourning face.

Habagat- the god of winds. He rules the whole of the Himpapawirin, the kingdom of silver and gold found in the sky. He will invite his worshipers to his magnificent kingdom.

Pughe- the king of the Dwendes of the North. A dwende is a filipino gnome. Most are divided into the black and white varities.

Kuntalapa- goddess of childbirth.

Pamahres- god of knowledge. Told Sol how he can break the protection given by Luna to Kertes.

Dal'lang- goddess of beauty. Bestows the gift of Beauty to her followers.

Lalahon- goddess of volcanoes. In the olden days, a virgin girl was sacrificed in order to keep the goddess satisfied. But in this time, an offering of fire will please her.

Kidul- god of earthquakes.

Bagobo- God of War.

Kalinga- god of thunder.

Agui- god of fire, brother of Agwe.

Agwe- god of waters

Mangaragan- goddess of war.

Lalahon- maiden aspect of Ideale

Siginaguran- god of hell

Somilge- goddess of magick, queen of witchery, crone aspect of Ideale. She bestows upon her priestess the gift of magick.

Deltise- the god of mambabarangs

Martes- the son of Bagobo. Prince of pain and war.

Kilubansa- the god of healing, Father of Dihas.

Dihas- the goddess of medicinal herbs.

Pasipo- god of music.

Detinos- the god of evil. Enemy of Bathla.

Sirenha- the goddess of fishes. The Sirenas or mermaids are her children.

Oghep- the god of mountains and hills.

S'dop-(sodop) the goddess of gold.

Dayea- the goddess of secrets.

Bayoa- the god of pacts. Invoke during bloodpacts.

Aspene- the shell goddess.

Punho- the god of trees.

Kertes- the lover of Luna, killed by Sol. Born as a human, Kertes was transformed into a god after his death.

Haspe- King of the Tamaos.

Halmista- God of Magic. Highest of all the Magickal Gods, he is the father of Deltise and Kilawnea

Kapalaran- Although he is not a God, he is still considered as a high power. He has the power tochange destiny at his will. He is the strongest of all Eternal Beings.

Sehana- The goddess of love. She has the power to bestow love on any moprtal or Immortal being.

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15y ago

Bathala = creator of everything Gugurang - In bikol this is the creator of everything. It's Portrayed as an Old wise man. People think that there is a creator of the sun, which is what they worship before. Gugurang is known as the Ultimate creator.

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Jesus is the greatest god of Filipinos

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