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Q: Explain the significance of the following terms . embargo nationalism?
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How did the embargo contribute to nationalism?

The Americans had to make for themselves what they usually got from Europe, i.e. textiles and luxuries.

Did the embargo act promote nationalism?

You could say that the Embargo Act of 1807 promoted nationalism because it led to the beginning of industrialization, where America was suddenly be able to create their own goods instead of heavily relying on trade.

What was the significance of the embargo acts?

The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping capacity and seriously damaged American markets, especially for exporters. Markets where the U.S. had gained advantage, such as the West Indies, were lost to Britain and the economic cost to the country was extremely high. In the long-run, the Embargo Act had to be repealed because its significance was to nearly cripple the young American economy.

What was the significance of the Embargo Act?

The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping capacity and seriously damaged American markets, especially for exporters. Markets where the U.S. had gained advantage, such as the West Indies, were lost to Britain and the economic cost to the country was extremely high. In the long-run, the Embargo Act had to be repealed because its significance was to nearly cripple the young American economy.

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Which of the following was a lasting effect of the OPEC embargo in the 1970s on the US economy?

reduced use of petroleum

An order restricting certain goods and or ships from entering or leaving?


What is the singular possessive of embargo?

The singular possessive form for the noun embargo is embargo's.

What is a sentence using the word embargo?

They enforced a trade embargo against the country.There has been a trade embargo against North Korea for years.An embargo is bad for businesses, unless you're a smuggler.

Who supports embargo?

An embargo is organized for a particular reason. Those who agree with the reason, will support the embargo.

Stagflation in the 1970s is most associated with?

The oil embargo

Why was the embargo placed on Cuba?

why was the embargo on cuba?