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Q: Does an oligarchy have a constitution?
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Does Oligarchy have a constitution?


Three purposes of a constitution?

Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy

What was Corinth's oligarchy?

it was an oligarchy

A system of government which a small group holds power?

Govern. by smalll group of people...oligarchy.

How Aristotle classified the forms of Government?

Aristotle classified six forms of political constitution: tyranny, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy and finally, polity

Is Brazil a oligarchy?

no brazil is not a oligarchy

What is the country for oligarchy?

what is the country for oligarchy

What are the antonyms for oligarchy?

Monoarchy is the antonym of oligarchy.

Example of an oligarchy?

if you think that Sparta is an oligarchy, you are wrong. Sparta is unable to have an oligarchy because they have two kings that have no power to the people. kind of like Great Britain. The only difference is that Great Britain has a constitution and Sparta doesn't. An example of an oligarchy is not known at this time. Sparta is also not a monarchy because it has TWO kings instead of one. if i could make up a word for Spartas government... it would be POLARCHY because Sparta has more than one king. when i find out the answer, i will update this answer.

Is an oligarchy government limited or unlimited?

Oligarchy is unlimited.

What is it when rich people rule?

An oligarchy

What form of government was used by the Spartans?
