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not really. they don't have much of a say.

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12y ago

An oligarchy is control by the few, who generally want more for themselves and less for everybody else.

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Whatever the rulers said they were.

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Q: Does Oligarchy have Citizen rights
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What is the role of the citizen In a oligarchy government?

they follow the rules mad by the oligarchy. Anything else is a crime:(

What is the role of citizen an oligarchy?

the citizens just follow the rules made by the oligarchy. they don't have a say. it sucks.

What are the types of citizen?

The three types of citizen participation is oligarchy, autocracy, and democracy. ur welcome

How does being a citizen in an oligarchy differ from dictatorship?

Simply put, power may be in your hands under an oligarchy, if you are in the reigning group.

How do citizens participate in oligarchy?

An oligarchy is a government that is ruled by a small exclusive number of leaders. They form a close knit group and its main tendency is to limit the rights of the nation's citizens. New leaders are selected on the basis of family or political and economic relationships. An oligarchy cannot exist if it allows citizen voting to choose governmental positions. One of the ancient classical examples of an oligarchy was ancient Sparta, in Greece.

Why is it good to be a citizen of the US citizen?

you get rights

What are some examples of oligarchy laws?

they only have few rights

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

What are the rights of citizens called?

Constitutional rights are your rights as a citizen.

What group has more rights under tyranny?

The Oligarchy (or those few in power) .

What are the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in the u.s. citizen?

One of a U.S. citizens rights is freedom to worship as you wish.

What rights do a Bangladeshi citizen have?

Rights for freedom of speech, Voting rights,