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Q: Does Nicaragua have a dictator
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What did the sandinistas do in Nicaragua and why?

A group of people who took down the Somoza regime. a dictator of Nicaragua in the 1970s

Who was leading Nicaragua?

Dictator, Somoza, Anastasio Jr. Supported by the United states of America.

What dictator did the US support in Nicaragua?

The GREAT General Anastasio Somoza Debayle

Who is Anastasio Somoza?

Anastasio Somoza was a dictator from Nicaragua who was born on December 5, 1925. He also held the position of President of Nicaragua twice. He died on September 17, 1980.

Who fought in the nicaraguan civil war?

the sandinistas who are a communist group against somoza who was the dictator in Nicaragua at the time and his followeres.

What is the neighboring countries of Costa Rica?

Nicaragua on the North and Panama on the South.

What major rivers are in Nicaragua?

what are the major landforms in Nicaragua. what are the major landforms in nicaragua.

Who were the contras and sandinistas?

1980's-two rebel groups in nicaragua, the sardinistas over through the dictator and set up a communist style government. The USA first supported (with money) the sardinistas, but when the communist influence was put into place the USA changed sides and supported the Contras, who were against the sardinistas, so no communism would overtake nicaragua again.

What is the government of Nicaragua?

nicaragua is a republic.