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They usually vote democratic. But i want to know why this happens.

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Q: Does Michigan usually vote replican or democrat?
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What do red states and blue states mean during a presidential election?

red states vote usually republican and blue states vote usually democrat purple like florida is a battle ground between the to parties.

Why doesn't Michigan want people to have any choices on who they vote for in the democratic primary Only choice is Hillary Clinton And that vote doesn't even count.?

The national Democrat party disqualified Michigan's delegates to the National Convention as a punishment for Michigan moving their primary election to an earlier date. The other Democrat candidates dropped their names from the ballot, leaving Clinton as the only choice. State political officials are encouraging Democrats to vote for none of the above in an effort to send delegates to the convention in hopes of the national party recognizing them at that time.

Do you have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Indiana democratic primary?

No, you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary.

If i am republican can i vote democrat in Pennsylvania?

you can vote for the party of your choice.

What is a Donkey Vote?

a democratic vote. a democrat is a type of political party in the united states. a donkey represents democrat and an elephant represents republican. I must disagree with this first answer. A Donkey Vote is not a democratic vote or a vote for a democrat in America. It is when a person votes for the candidate that is the first one listed on the ballot.

What is voting population of US by race?

the majority of blacks vote democrat the majority of whites vote republican hispanics are not as clean cut as blacks but the majority vote democrat

What can you do to reduce poverty?

Vote Democrat!

Is there a new law saying that if you are Democrat you have to vote Democrat?

No. You may be limited in your choice of primary candidates, but you can vote for anyone in a general election.

Is Pennsylvania democrat or Republican?

Democrat 54.6% of the vote went to Obama

Why can't you vote for either Democrat or Republican in the primary?

why can't you vote in the primary election for either a democrat or a republican if you register as a republican? would it not be better to register as a democrat and be able to vote either way than to register as a republican and be limited?

If I am independent and I vote democrat will my vote go to the Democratic Party?

yes, it will go to the democratic party. that is no grounds for anyone to call you a democrat, if that is your example.