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They did early in ancient Egypt's history. The pharaoh was the high priest of every divine cult. That power and authority eroded over the centuries, and the priesthoods of the gods took more and more power from the pharaohs.

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Q: Did the monarchs have absolute or unlimited power in Egypt?
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How do absolute monarchs differ from constitutional monarch in their ability to use power?

the power of absolute monarchs is unlimited

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Absolute monarchs exercise unchecked power and make decisions without constraints from a constitution or governing body. They have the authority to enact laws, levy taxes, and control the military as they see fit, often resulting in autocratic rule.

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When a monarch has unlimited power, the government is called an absolute monarchy.

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What is A ruler with unlimited power?

A ruler that has unlimited power and authority over his or her power is an absolute monarch.

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Because their power was absolute. They could over-rule Parliament and the church.

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England was an absolute monarchy until the end of the English Civil War. The English Civil War lasted from 1641-1651.

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Absolute monarchs believed in the divine right of kings and exercised unlimited power over their subjects, while Enlightenment thinkers promoted ideas such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and limited government. The clash between these two viewpoints revolved around the question of who should hold power and to what extent, with Enlightenment thinkers advocating for greater political rights and limitations on royal authority.

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The Pharaoh. By governor you must mean monarchs.

What is an abslolute ruler?

An absolute ruler is a ruler that has unlimited power over their country.