She tried to distort the image.
Distort Entertainment was created in 2002.
Distort Yourself was created in 2004.
Distorted is a verb (past tense of distort) and an adjective (a distorted point of view).
Distort has two syllables dis tort
Anatomy of Distort was created in 2005-07.
Antonym: clarify Synonym: misrepresent
Yes eg Some people distort the truth.
The woman tried to distort the category approved by the committee.
A curved mirror can distort your image and make you laugh.
The verb form of distortion is "distort." It means to alter or misrepresent something, making it different from its original form.
One can use the distort filters menu to distort an image in Photoshop. With the image open in Photoshop and the distort filters menu open, one will be given a selection of effects. Choose an effect, the image wll be previewed for approval and can then be saved.