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no he did not

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Q: Did King Lunalilo have a wife?
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What is King William Charles Lunalilo's birthday?

King William Charles Lunalilo was born on January 31, 1835.

Was lunalilo a king?

yes he was a king .he was a kin of hawaii

When did King William Charles Lunalilo die?

King William Charles Lunalilo was born on January 31, 1835 and died on February 3, 1874. King William Charles Lunalilo would have been 39 years old at the time of death or 180 years old today.

How old was King William Charles Lunalilo at death?

King William Charles Lunalilo died on February 3, 1874 at the age of 39.

When was Lunalilo born?

Lunalilo was born on 1835-01-31.

What is William Charles Lunalilo's birthday?

William Charles Lunalilo was born on January 31, 1835.

When was William Charles Lunalilo born?

William Charles Lunalilo was born on January 31, 1835.

Why was queen Emma a very strong choice of ruler of Hawaii in 1874?

King Lunalilo had died in 1874. So that meant Queen Emma had to succeed him.

Why was queen Emma a very strong choice for ruler of Hawaii in 1874?

King lunalilo died in 1874, after ruling for barely one year many believed that queen emma widow of a former king would be chosen to succeed them

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No; Helen was the wife of the Spartan king, Menelaus.

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