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The general answer is Conservatives, although after a 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, Liberals have also been known to support a strong military as well.

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Q: Conservatives or liberals tend to support a strong military?
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Did Conservatives support democracy?

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The liberals, communists, and other leftists were strong opposed to the nationalist governments of Italy and Germany. When those governments criminalized much of the leftist dissent and consolidated power, that opposition became marginalized and the unification could go on.

How are conservatives different than liberals?

Very briefly stated, here are the different beliefs of Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives ideals are based on the belief in the capability of others and the attendant accountability i.e. personal responsibility. The individual, not the government, is responsible for individual actions. All government should be limited and be representative of the people. They believe in free market economy, individual liberty, traditional values and morals, and a strong national military for defense. The role of the government is to protect the freedom of the people so that individuals can pursue their own goals and desires. The emphasis is on the state to solve its own problems and for the individual to solve his/her own problems. Liberals believe in a strong government that acts to absolve others from accountability based on their belief that Americans generally incapable. Seeing people as incapable they feel compelled to protect promote equal opportunity for all people in the nation. It is the job of the government (state) to help solve social ills and to protect the civil liberties of all. Liberals have a strong belief in individual and human rights. The role of the government should be to protect and guarantee that no person is in need. Thus, liberals would accept governmental policies such as national medical insurance for all. Liberals emphasis the basic goodness of people and the need for government to help solve problems.

What are liberals views on animal rights?

There is no homogenized view among liberals with regards to animal rights. However, liberals tend to be more welcoming of animal rights groups than conservatives.

What does it mean when someone is a lieral?

A "literal" person is someone who interprets things in a very strict and factual way, without allowing for metaphorical or symbolic meanings. This can sometimes lead them to miss nuances or deeper meanings in communication or art.

What did conservatives want?

A strong central government

Which party is better liberals or conservatives?

It is hard to say which party is better. Both have their faults and both have their strong points. That is why there are two parties. One will get into office and clean up the mess its predecessor made and then start making its own mess, and then the reverse happens. We need both. Alright, here is the complete, un-bias answer. We need both, both have good ideas and bad ideas. But if your asking which is better. Again, being un bias. Conservatism works out better than libertarianism. A political poll taken in 2010 showed that the conservative ideas on: gun control, marijuana legalization, immigration, environment regulation, media censorship, and prostitution, work out better than the liberal ideas. But liberal have it on: abortion, religion in schools, and the war on terror.

Which could happen in a country with a unitary government?

Strong military leadership and support.

Which party is more likely to support a strong military?

The Republican/Conservative party would be more likely to support a strong military. Democrats have different views, many believe that war isn't the right way to settle differences.

In politics today which group supports a strong government?
