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they had smaller populations.

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Q: Colonized nations were dominated by European countries because?
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Colonized nations were dominated by European countries because they had smaller populations?

Almost invariably, they had far larger populations, but inferior armaments.

Why do so many countries in Africa speak European languages?

Due to the colonisation of African countries, mostly occurring in the nineteenth century (called the European Scramble for Africa)The three most powerful and successful colonisers were Portugal (Mozambique), France (Mauritius, Northeast Africa) and the United Kingdom (Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa).Because some African countries were once/some still are ruled/colonized by European countries.

Why do Haiti and Dominican Republic speak 2 different languages?

Because they were each colonized by different European countries. France originally colonized Haiti, and Spain colonized the Dominican Republic.

European nations colonized Africa in the late 1800s because of its?

European nations colonized Africa in the 19th century because of it's wealth of natural resources. Africa had a great amount of petroleum, lead, tin, copper and precious gems. Africa was a source of economic growth for the European countries.

European nations were able to dominate other countries during the period of colonialism because?

They dominated the gold income and diamond mines

The countries of Sub Saharan are often grouped together as a region because?

this region is often grouped together due to the fact that the countries within its borders were colonized by European powers.

Who colonized Philippines?

SpainEnglandAmericaJapanThese countries colonized us in order.If you do not believe that the England colonized the Philippines because it is rarely or not talked about, it is because the British Empire only colonized us for 2years.

How did European expansion create the first global economic system?

European imperialism allowed for closer relations between the mother/fatherland and their colonies. Because of this, often European countries had access to cheap raw goods and cheap labor. This was soon expanded beyond just countries the Europeans had colonized and spread to most countries. Globalization started up because of imperialism.

Which European country colonized Algeria and Tunsia?

What European nations colonized Africa in the 1800's because of it'sa. military locationb. economic strengthc. proximity to Europed. resources and markets

What were examples of European colonization in South America?

i don't know if it's an example, but a way its clear is because most south American countries speak spanish, which is because they were colonized originally by Spain

Why is Canada a billingual society?

Because two European nations "colonized" Canada - the English and the French.

What European country colonized Michigan?

It was the Indians because they were the ones to set into sea and to go to America