

Best Answer

Only if the judge leaves office for one of the following reasons:

  1. Resignation
  2. Retirement
  3. Death
  4. Impeachment and conviction (for a legitimate offense)
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Q: Can a Federal judge be replaced?
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How can a federal judge be replaced?

The judge retires.

A federal judge's term in office lasts for?

A Federal District Judge has a lifetime appointment.

Federal judge term?

A judge can serve as a lifetime

What is the term of a federal judge?

it is a lifetime appointment.. meaning you would have to be impeached or retire from the bench to no longer be a federal judge

What is the the term length of federal judge?

it is a lifetime appointment.. meaning you would have to be impeached or retire from the bench to no longer be a federal judge

Who is Judge Joseph M McLaughlin?

He is a judge in the federal court of apeals.

What is a federal word for convene?

The Federal Court will be convened when the judge arrives.

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Andrew Kirkpatrick - United States federal judge - died in 1904.

When was Andrew Kirkpatrick - United States federal judge - born?

Andrew Kirkpatrick - United States federal judge - was born in 1844.

When was Judge Isaac C. Parker Federal Building created?

Judge Isaac C. Parker Federal Building was created in 1937.

Can a judge in Hawaii federal court sentence someone to probation for a federal drug charge that she plead guilty to?

Yes. Why did you think the judge couldn't?

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It is false that the National Bank replaced the Federal Reserve System.