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Q: Are market economies often found in communist or socialist nations?
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How did communist nations compare in lifesytle to western democracies?

Generally speaking, the non-communist nations of Western Europe were doing well in comparison to nations where Stalin had established communist governments in much of Eastern Europe. The free market policies of the West were yielding better economic growth then the centrally planned economies of Eastern Europe. The US helped to jump start the economies of Western Europe through the Marshall Plan.

The economies of western European nations generally operate?

Under a free market

An economic system run by the government?

Any governmental system that takes a lazze-faire (hands off) approach to the market is not responsible for how the economy is run. These economies are run by the market (buyers and sellers). Socialist and Communist governments take a centrally-planned approach to economics, usually ending disastrously.

Does US have a command economy?

No, the US has a market economy a result of its capitalist policies, command economies can be found in communist countries.

What is the difference between a mixed economy and a market economy?

A mixed economy is a combination of communist, market and traditional economies. A market economy basically has free reign over the production and distribution of goods and services.

Which factor contributed to the collapse of command economies in communist countries at the end of the 20th century?

Answer this question… They were much less efficient at producing goods than Western free market economies.

How many communist nations are in the United Nations?

The answer to how many communist nations are members of the United Nations depends on how you define communist. The People's Republic of China is governed by the Chinese Communist Party, and no other political parties are allowed, but their economy is very much market based since the 1980's, so whether China counts as a communist country is debatable. North Korea is probably the firmest bet for a communist country, they certainly declare their aims as socialist, and private enterprise is very much frowned upon. Saying that, their system is officially "juche", which translates as "self-reliance", not communism. Burma, or Myanmar also once described itself as "The Socialist Republic of....", and still has a closed economy, [though that is changing], but in truth Burma is just a military dictatorship, and quite possibly a narco-state. Vietnam and Laos are both ruled by the Communist Party, but like China have capitalist economies, so depending on how you want to count it, the answer is either five, one [North Korea], or none.

How did us imperialism differ from the imperialism of nations with extractive economies?

the united states sought colonies as market. other nations used colonies' resources

What were Daniel ortegas beliefs?

he is a "carnivore" socialist who wants to tear down a capitalist market economy and replace it with a neo-communist one.

Is the government of present-day Vietnam Communist?

Yes, the government of present-day Vietnam is communist. The Communist Party of Vietnam has been in power since the country's reunification in 1975. It follows a socialist-oriented market economy model, combining elements of socialism with a market-driven approach to development.

Why are command economies less efficient the market economies?

the competition in the market economies encourages both qyality and low prices.

What countries are not socialist?

Countries that are not socialist include the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia, and Canada. These countries have market-driven economies with a mix of private and public ownership of industries, alongside social welfare programs.