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Political contribution are never tax deductible no matter who the contributions are made to and for which political party.

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Q: Are governor candidate campaign contributions tax deductible?
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Who votes for the lieutenant governor?

People do not vote for a Lieutenant Governor. He or she is selected by the candidate running for Governor.

Who was the republican candidate for the president in 2008?

Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska , was the candidate.

What is a Gubernatorial Candidate?

gubernatorial refers to a governor. governor in latin is gubernor, and the term gubernatorial is of or related to a governor.

In all states a candidate for governor must meet which of these requirements?

The candidate must be a citizen of the state

Which presidential candidates were once governors of Massachusetts?

The governors who were nominated (or elected) in presidential elections were: John Hancock (governor 1780-1785, 1787-1793, VP candidate 1789) Calvin Coolidge (governor 1919-1921, candidate 1924, president 1923-1929) Michael Dukakis (governor 1973-1975, 1983-1991, candidate 1988) Mitt Romney (governor 2003-2007, candidate 2012)

Would you capitalize the words governor and campaign in The governor came to campaign in the capital?

No, you would not capitalize "governor" or "campaign" in this sentence. They are common nouns, not proper nouns, and do not require capitalization. Only "capital" would be capitalized as it refers to a specific place.

Who is the best candidate for Texas governor?

Kathie Glass, Libertarian candidate 2014. Other answer: Rick Perry

Who is next in line to governor in Illinois?

The Lieutenant Governor of Illinois is next in line to Governor of Illinois.If speaking time-wise, this could be the Governor-elect, or a candidate for Governor, who will eventually become Governor-elect then Governor.

Who are the candidate for governor in kiambu county?

william kuria josiah

Is Bill Clinton running for governor in Ohio?

The ex-president Bill Clinton is not currently a candidate for governor of Ohio.

How long does a candidate campaign for presidency?

The time spent is up to the candidate. Candidates do not say they are campaigning for president at first- they merely try to stay in the public eye and in touch with the kingmakers with money. They get on TV via talk-shows or whatever as often as possible, Sometimes they run for governor or senator in their state. They may take leadership roles within their party and campaign for others in the off-year Congressional elections. The first required campaign events are the primaries and caucuses which start occurring early in the election year.

What presidential candidate of 2012 served as governor of Massachusetts?

Mr. Romney.