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Q: An influential former israeli prime minister was?
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Who is the influential former Israeli prime minister?

There are several. The most commonly considered person to fill the definition, however, is current President of Israel: Shimon Peres.

What prime minister of Israel is a Jewish Iranian?

To date, no Iranian has been elected Prime Minister of Israel. Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav (born in Yazd, Iran), and former Israeli Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz (born in Teheran, Iran) are prominent Jewish Iranian-Israeli politicians.

What is the first name of the Israeli prime minister Olmert?

The first name of Israeli prime minister Olmert is Ehud.

What is a former minister of Canada?

A former Minister of Canada is someone who has been a Cabinet minister in the federal government, or a former Prime Minister of Canada. An example includes Paul Martin, who is both a former Finance Minister and former Prime Minister of Canada.

What is Benjamin Netanyahu's importance?

He is the Israeli Prime Minister.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Yes, Sam Hinds is the former and current Prime Minister of Guyana.

Is Kevin Rudd the prime minister of the US?

The US does not have a prime minister. We have a president. Kevin Rudd is a former Prime Minister of Australia.

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Was Franklin the former prime minister of Canada?

No, no former prime minister of Canada was named Franklin. See 'related links' for a list of the former prime ministers of Canada. The most recent previous prime minister of Canada before Stephen Harper was Paul Martin.

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Larry King Live - 1985 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was released on: USA: 7 July 2010