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Actually, quite the opposite.

Absolute monarchs exercise supreme power; similar to a despot, or dictator; and are bound by no laws of a constitution, or parliament.

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The king of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarch who has great power in the exercise of government.

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An absolute monarch is a ruler who has complete control over their country and its government without being limited by a constitution, laws, or other governing bodies. This type of monarch holds unlimited power and is not subject to any checks or balances.

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When a monarch has unlimited power, the government is called an absolute monarchy.

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How are laws made in the absolute monarchy?

In an absolute monarchy, laws are typically made solely by the monarch who holds absolute power and authority over the government. The monarch may consult with advisors or a council, but ultimately has the final say in creating and implementing laws without the need for approval from a legislative body.

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Yes. He is an absolute monarch.