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Q: A general law municipality becomes eligible form home-rule status when its population exceeds?
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How does a specie become a specie?

When an animal species' numbers drop to levels that the population has problems sustaining itself, then it becomes eligible for listing.

When the population growth rate becomes zero what is the population size equal to?

If the population growth rate becomes zero the population size becomes static. It stays where it was when it became zero until the rate changes. If the rate becomes negative the population would begin to shrink.

What happen when people migrate?

When people migrate the population that they left becomes smaller. When these people migrate to where they are going to that population becomes larger.

What does it mean if a species becomes an endangered species?

If a population of animals becomes so tiny it has trouble sustaining its numbers, then it becomes endangered.

When does a migrant become an austrailan?

A migrant becomes an Australian when he/she is approved of or given Australian Citizenship. For this, you fist need to check if you are eligible and then apply for the citizenship.

What decreases as cultivation becomes more intensive?

population density

Can a j-1 visa holder becomes a resident?

No, a J-1 visa is a non immigrant visa and therefore not eligible for transition into resident status.

What type of speciation occurs when a plant population becomes reproductively isolated while with its parent population?

Sympatric Speciation

What will happen if the arctic foxes becomes extinct?

lemmings population will grow

What will happen if an animal population becomes extinct?

you will never see them again

Will your Social Security payments be reduced when your spouse becomes eligible and receives his Social Security?

No. Your benefits are calculated individually and do not change when your spouse begins receiving his or her benefits.

What type of speciation occurs when a plant population becomes reproductive isolated while living with its parent population?

Sympatric Speciation