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He increased his power by winning the war of the roses therefore he had people who tried to overthrow him so.... He had them killed this made him look strong and now no one will mess with human!! Thanks

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11y ago
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11y ago

At his palace,there were nobles waiting on him hand and foot,lavish entertainment,dozens of rich dishes at every meal and extravagant rituals that governed every aspect of every day life. They were all just a way that Louis XIV controlled every aspect of court life and ensured his absolute authority.

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9y ago

Henry VII won the throne by defeating Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. He would marry Richard's niece, Elizabeth of York, unifying the warring houses of York and Lancaster. He retroactively declared himself king so he could charge anyone fighting against him at Bosworth with treason.

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10y ago

Henry wanted to control the church. Since medieval times, there had been struggles over whether priests should obey the Pope or the King. He said that the Pope no longer had any authority in England. From now, all Priests and Monks had to do what Henry said, not what the Pope said. Once Henry had control over the Church, he persecuted those who opposed him. He even cut off the head of his close friend, Thomas More, because More would not accept Henry as head of the Church.

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sending royal judges around england to hear cases

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Anything he could. Chop a few heads off, send people into exile, have them killed, took away titles and lands, threw them in prison, and made deals. He also made a new religion.

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Via. his Legal Reforms.

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Q: 2 ways that Henry vii increased his power as king?
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