There is a possibility that the world will over populate, but in the years to come, we may go and colonize other planets. By 2050, the worlds population is said to DOUBLE... there is also world disaster that may destroy the human race. Like global warming for an instance...
There is a possibility of the world over-populating if current population growth trends continue unchecked. However, many countries are experiencing declining fertility rates which may help stabilize the global population in the future. It will be important for society to prioritize sustainable practices and responsible resource management to prevent potential overpopulation issues.
The smallest man ever recorded was Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal, who stood at 21.5 inches (54.6 cm) tall.
The tallest person ever recorded in medical history was Robert Wadlow from the United States, who stood at a height of 8 feet 11.1 inches (272 cm) before passing away in 1940.
There are 83 coastal countries in the world.
No, Bahrain is not considered a third world country. It is classified as a high-income economy by the World Bank and has a well-developed infrastructure and standard of living compared to many third world countries.
It is impossible to predict who will rule the world in 2020 as global power dynamics are constantly shifting. Many countries and leaders have influence on the world stage, and it is important to consider the complex relationships and events that will shape future global leadership.
Because if they didn't die, the waters of the world would be filled with salmon. They have to die, similar to other life forms. If they didn't die, they would overpopulate the Earth.
If they didn't exist the animals they eat would overpopulate.
Typically, the species that it ate overpopulate, and the ecosystem is disrupted.
The white tiger would normally control the population of its prey, but facing extinction, the tigers prey will flourish and overpopulate. (: Hope that helps.
all the other levels will overpopulate
Because then the prey would overpopulate and starve. Everything has to be balanced.
They feed on them and then the clams would overpopulate the beds if not eaten.
Helpful. They eat other smaller animals that overpopulate the jungle. So, in that way, yesss :)
There are no native animals overpopulating Australia. Some, such as the red kangaroo, are considered a pest to farmers, but this does not mean they overpopulate the country. Farmers have cleared land for agriculture - land which was native habitat for these animals. Introduced animals which overpopulate Australia and are therefore detrimental to the native habitat of Australia include pigeons, feral goats, camels, various vermin such as mice etc, feral cats, feral pigs, foxes, rabbits, cane toads, horses, sheep (farmed) and cattle (farmed).
No they have not hosted the world cup ever.
The correct spelling is "ever since the world began."
no they have never ever been in the world cup