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Demography is important because it helps us understand the characteristics of populations, such as their size, structure, and distribution. This information is essential for making informed decisions about resource allocation, social policies, and planning for healthcare, education, and other public services. Demographic trends also influence economic development and political decision-making.

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Q: Why is demography important?
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What is the science of population structure and growth is called?

The science of population structure and growth is called demography. Demography studies the size, distribution, and composition of population, as well as how populations change over time due to factors like births, deaths, and migration. It provides important insights into societal trends and challenges.

How do you spell demography?

That is the correct spelling of "demography" (study of human populations).

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The components of Demography are :- Fertility Mortality Migration

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Demography is the branch of sociology which studies the characteristics of human populations.

What is the study of population change and distribution?

The study of population change and distribution is demography.

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Statistical analysis of population trends is called demography.

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What are the importance of demography?

Demography is important because it helps us understand population dynamics, such as birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns, which are essential for public policy planning, resource allocation, and economic development. It also provides valuable insights into social trends, healthcare needs, and environmental challenges within a population. Overall, demography plays a crucial role in shaping government policies, business strategies, and societal well-being.