Sir Titus Salt built his mill and the housing for his workers, it was subsequently named after him. So Salt for his family name and Aire because it was situated in the Aire valley on the banks of the river Aire. SaltAire...
The French are called "Les Français" in French.
It is called civil war.
It is called an improvement.
Generally it is called emigration.
That is often called patriotism, but it is sometimes called nationalism.
Saltaire was created in 1853.
Saltaire railway station was created in 1984.
Saltaire railway station ended in 1965.
Saltaire is a Victorian model Village within the City of Bradford Metropolitan District.
In Saltaire.
a human being
The village of Saltaire is located in City of Bradford Metropolitan District. The City of Bradford is located in West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.
Saltaireis aVictorianmodel villagein BradfordWest Yorkshire, England
Walk around or see a historic town, Saltaire is nice.
26 fanny street, saltaire before he moved
the book of titus was written in the year 1066 and he was a good fellow for what he did to saltaire.
Titus Salt was a rich manufacturer and philanthropist; he initiated the building of the village Saltaire.