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George Gallup is often considered the father of modern polling. He is credited with developing scientific polling methods that are still widely used today, such as random sampling and question wording. Gallup's work in the 1930s helped popularize the use of polls to measure public opinion.

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Q: Who is considered the father of modern polling?
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Who was The founder of modern polling?

George Gallup is considered the founder of modern polling. He developed innovative techniques for conducting public opinion surveys and founded the American Institute of Public Opinion, which later became the Gallup Organization. Gallup's work revolutionized the field of survey research and made polling a standard tool for measuring public opinion.

What is a sentence for polling booth?

Voters gathered at the polling booth to cast their ballots in the local election.

Why was Machiavelli considered the father of modern political science?

Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political science because of his seminal work "The Prince," which examines political power and leadership in a pragmatic and realistic manner. He emphasized the importance of understanding how rulers can maintain and consolidate their power, even if it means using ruthless tactics. This marked a departure from traditional political thought and laid the foundation for modern political theory.

What sentence can you use with polling place?

Make sure to check the location of your polling place before election day to ensure you know where to go to cast your vote.

The father of modern political science is considered to be?

Niccolo Machiavelli is often considered the father of modern political science for his groundbreaking work "The Prince," which explored the nature of power, leadership, and governance. His ideas on political realism and the separation of ethics from politics have had a lasting impact on the field of political science.

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Who was The founder of modern polling?

George Gallup is considered the founder of modern polling. He developed innovative techniques for conducting public opinion surveys and founded the American Institute of Public Opinion, which later became the Gallup Organization. Gallup's work revolutionized the field of survey research and made polling a standard tool for measuring public opinion.

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