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A specific topic like the impact of social media on teenage self-esteem would be narrow enough for a problem-and-solution essay. This allows for a focused discussion on the problem and potential solutions within that specific context.

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Q: Which topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a problem-and-solution essay?
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Is leaving cert history difficult?

The difficulty of Leaving Cert history can vary depending on your interest in the subject, study habits, and the level of support you have. Like any other subject, adequate preparation, understanding of historical concepts, and essay-writing skills are key to success. It can be challenging but also rewarding if you put in the effort and seek help when needed.

Which of the following is important to keep in mind if you are asked to qrite a personal statement on a subject of your choice?

When writing a personal statement on a subject of your choice, it is important to focus on highlighting your unique experiences, skills, and perspectives. Tailor your statement to showcase your passion and commitment to the subject matter. Be authentic, honest, and concise in your writing, and be sure to proofread for any grammatical errors before submitting.

How long is a two to three page essay?

A two to three page essay typically ranges from 500 to 750 words, depending on the formatting requirements such as font size and spacing. It's usually enough space to develop a focused thesis and provide supporting arguments or evidence.

What would work for the best title of an explanatory essay?

"A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding [Topic]"

In an explanatory essay how are body paragraphs different from the concluding paragraphAsk us anything?

Body paragraphs in an explanatory essay provide detailed information, evidence, and analysis to support the main idea or thesis statement. They present the arguments or points in a logical order. In contrast, the concluding paragraph summarizes the key points discussed in the body and reiterates the main idea, providing closure to the essay without introducing new information.

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What topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a persuasive essay?

"The benefits of incorporating mindfulness in elementary school curriculum" is a narrow and focused topic that can serve as the subject of a persuasive essay. You can explore the advantages of teaching mindfulness to young children and provide evidence to support your argument.

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The impact of social media on mental health or the relationship between exercise and stress levels could be narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay.

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Which topic is narrow enough to address in a cause and effect essay?

The impact of social media on mental health is a narrow enough topic to address in a cause and effect essay, as it allows for a focused discussion on how the use of social media can influence individuals' psychological well-being.

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"The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers" would be a suitable and narrow enough topic for a three-page essay. This topic allows for focused research on a specific demographic and its relationship with a particular aspect of technology.

Which topi is narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay?

"The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers" is a narrow and specific enough topic to address in a cause-and-effect essay. It allows for a focused examination of how social media usage directly influences the mental well-being of a particular demographic.

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"The impact of social media on teenagers' mental health" would be a narrow and focused topic suitable for a short essay. It allows for in-depth exploration within a limited word count.

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