Conflict comes from the latin word Conxious meaning lack of ability to maintain proper affiliations among one another.
Conflict can arise from differences in values, beliefs, goals, or interests between individuals or groups. It can also stem from misunderstandings, poor communication, or competition for limited resources. Ultimately, conflict emerges when there is a perceived threat to one's needs or interests.
Conflict is not necessarily a necessary evil, as it can sometimes be avoided through effective communication, collaboration, and understanding. However, conflict can also be an opportunity for growth, learning, and strengthening relationships when handled constructively. It is more about how conflict is managed and resolved than it being inherently evil or necessary.
A civil conflict or civil war.
People in the region have responded to the conflict with a range of reactions, including protests, diplomatic efforts, humanitarian aid, and support for various sides involved. The responses vary based on individual beliefs, perspectives, and personal experiences with the conflict.
Change can take place without conflict through open communication, collaboration, and compromise. By fostering a positive and inclusive environment where everyone's opinions are valued and taken into consideration, change can be implemented smoothly. Setting clear goals and being willing to adapt to feedback also helps navigate change without creating conflict.
What is conflict of the story
what would the consequences be if the rights of group come into conflict
Conflict is also called rising tension.
conflict between the homesteaders, Indians, cowboys
conflict came from stupid people that take to fihting; instead of solving an issue
A conflict diamond is a blood diamond and they come from Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo
animals come out to fight.
the conflict came to an end because Germany backed down
They disagreed over territory.