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The poll taxes levied during the Peasants' Revolt in 1381 were intended to fund the Hundred Years' War between England and France. These taxes were particularly burdensome on the poor peasants who were already struggling with economic hardship. The revolt was triggered by the collection of these taxes, which ultimately led to a widespread uprising of peasants across England.

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Q: What were the poll taxes of peasants revolt?
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How much was it he poll tax in 1381?

The poll tax imposed in England in 1381 was three groats, which was equivalent to three shillings or one quarter of a pound sterling. The tax sparked the Peasants' Revolt due to its disproportionate burden on the lower classes.

What groups affected of poll taxes?

Poll taxes historically affected marginalized groups such as African Americans and poor white Americans. These taxes were used as a tool to disenfranchise and discourage these groups from voting by requiring payment in order to participate in elections.

Which group did poll taxes affect?

Poll taxes primarily affected African Americans in the southern United States during the Jim Crow era. These taxes were used as a means to disenfranchise and prevent African Americans from voting by requiring them to pay a fee in order to cast their vote.

What group did poll taxes affect?

Poll taxes affected African Americans in the southern United States during the Jim Crow era. The taxes were used as a way to disenfranchise African American voters by making it difficult for them to pay the required fees in order to vote. This discriminatory practice was eventually outlawed by the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Why were poll taxes discriminatory against the poor?

Poll taxes required people to pay a flat fee in order to vote, which disproportionately affected the poor who could not afford to pay it. This made it difficult for low-income individuals to exercise their right to vote, thus disenfranchising them and contributing to their marginalization in the political process.

Related questions

What was the list of peasants demands for the peasants revolt?

less taxes

Did the Black death or the peasants revolt come first?

The Peasants' Revolt, or the Great Rising of 1381 was one of a number of popular revolts in late medieval Europe and is a major event in the history of England. As you can see, the plague had outbreaks before that.

What were the long and short term causes of the Peasants revolt?

The only short term effect was that the revolt was a failure and the long term effects are that the poll taxes were dropped, the government stopped controling the wages, the feudal system collapsed, 100 years later the peasants demands about the feudal system had finally been heard and dealt with and by 1500 there were no villains and all labourers were free. Hope this helps!

Why did the peasants revolt?

Because of the lack of food and the Tax rates

What date did the peasants revolt and why?

the peasants revolt started on July 12th 1381.

Was Richard 1066 responsible for the peasant's revolt?

yes he was responsible because he raised the poll taxes. (by Brian 7e fb)

What is the Magyar revolt?

After the decisive victory of 1699, the Habsburgs imposed direct taxes and a military draft on the residents of Hungary, nobles and peasants alike causing the Maygar Revolt. !

How did the poll taxes cause the peasants revolt?

The poll tax was introduced to pay for the 100 Years War and was about one shilling per person, this was okay for the rich, but for the poor it was 3 weeks wages. The peasant's didnt like this, especially as this was just after the Black Death, and the statute ofLabourersmeant they couldnt even get more wages to pay for this, so they revolted.

What would the changes be if the peasants won the peasnts revolt pleease help i am stuck on history homeworck thanks xx?

the poll tax might have got rid of ??

Was the peasants revolt successful for the peasants?


What date did the peasants revolt happen?

The peasants revolt, Started on the 13th of the month July, Year 1381.

How much was it he poll tax in 1381?

The poll tax imposed in England in 1381 was three groats, which was equivalent to three shillings or one quarter of a pound sterling. The tax sparked the Peasants' Revolt due to its disproportionate burden on the lower classes.