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The US Protectorate is a region, territory or state that belongs to the United States. It may not be recognized as a state, but it has the same rights as US citizens have. All of the US Virgin Islands have representations.

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A US protectorate is a territory under the political and military protection of the United States, but not fully incorporated as a state. Protectorates may have limited representation, such as a delegate in the US Congress, but they do not have full voting rights. Examples include Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

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Q: What is us protectorate and do they have representations?
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What is a country under the control and protection of a larger and stronger nation?

A country under the control and protection of a larger and stronger nation is referred to as a protectorate. This arrangement often involves the protector nation managing the foreign affairs and defense of the protectorate while allowing it to have a degree of internal autonomy.

What is Protectorate?

A protectorate is a region or territory that is controlled and protected by a more powerful state or nation. The protectorate retains its own government but defers to the protector for issues such as defense and foreign relations. Protectorates were common during the era of colonialism as a means for powerful countries to exert control over smaller regions.

What is a state that controls another's foreign affairs but allows it domestic autonomy?

A state that controls another's foreign affairs but allows it domestic autonomy is often referred to as a "protectorate." In this arrangement, the protectorate retains some level of independence in managing its internal affairs while the protecting state handles its foreign relations. This setup is a form of indirect control commonly seen in colonial or imperial contexts.

What is a country controlled by a stronger power?

A country controlled by a stronger power is known as a protectorate or dependent territory. In this situation, the more powerful nation has significant influence over the policies and affairs of the smaller country.

What is the most populus state in the US?

California is the most populous state in the US.

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Is Mexico a protectorate of the US?

No. Mexico is a sovereign nation. There are treaties between the countries, but Mexico is not a protectorate.

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It made Cuba a protectorate of the United Sates.

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The US and Cuban relationship has always had a degree of strain. The idea behind the protectorate notion was to keep communist ideas in check.

Why the US make Cuba a protectorate?

The US and Cuban relationship has always had a degree of strain. The idea behind the protectorate notion was to keep communist ideas in check.

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Why did they us make a Cuba protectorate?

platt amendment

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You must be a natrural born citizen.

Which nation did platt amendment make a us protectorate?

Actually is was Cuba.

Under President Clevelands administration which became a protectorate of the US?


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