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It appears that you may have meant to ask about a "formula." Could you please provide more context or specify the type of formula you are referring to so I can better assist you?

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Q: What is the farmula?
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What is the correct farmula for hydrogen iodide?

Formula: HI

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IMVIC farmula for e.coli is ++--

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Wacc Farmula

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fomula for profit is Sell price - Cost price= profit

How can you write the farmula of elements?

I'm not sure but if we take a number of elements so you name them as compound.

What is a formula bar used for in Excel?

To enter the formula in selected cell, To view the farmula or content of selected cell.

L know uneqal letaral tee farmula of cut back?

Check the question and have it posted again for an accurate answer.

How do calculate the area for flange?

To find out the area of flange the farmula is = (3.142/4)*((o.d sq.- i.d sq.)*1.1

What is formula of uniform speed and average speed?

r=d/t is farmula of speed or uniform speed and its si unit is m/s.

What is the farmula of cylinder?

That depends what you want to calculate (surface area, volume, etc.). For the volume, use the formula pi x radius2 x height.

Bifurcation Ratio farmula for Drainage system?

Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) = ΣN / ΣN + 1 ΣN = Total number of stream of a particular order. ΣN + 1 = Total number of stream of a next higher order.

What are the characteristic of standardization?

1) Can be prepared and maintained in high state of purity. 2) Is unaltered in air during weighing (ie it is not hygroscopic). 3) Has high molecular farmula so that wieghing errors are negligable. 4) Will react with an appropriate solution stiochiometrically and practically instantanously.